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Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It's particularly troubling because the extra pounds often start children on the path to health problems that were once considered adult problems — diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.      - The Mayo Clinic

Deep Dive into Childhood Obesity


About Childhood Obesity

If you're worried that your child is putting on too much weight, talk to his or her doctor. The doctor will consider your child's history of growth and development, your family's weight-for-height history, and where your child lands on the growth charts. This can help determine if your child's weight is in an unhealthy range. For more information, visit the Mayo Clinic's Childhood Obesity page.

Maryland Treatment Centers

Childhood obesity is a common condition that affects up to 14.7 million American children and teens. If your child struggles to maintain a healthy weight, there are various treatments that can help. At Abdow Friendship Pediatrics, pediatric and adolescent medicine providers Victor Abdow, Jr., MD, Azra Jagani, MD, Amita DeSouza, MD, and the team boast years of experience managing childhood obesity. For more information, visit Abdow Friendship Pediatrics.

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