We Are Survivors - KIDS
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a group of neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination. CP is caused by damage to or abnormalities inside the developing brain that disrupt the brain's ability to control movement and maintain posture and balance. The term cerebral refers to the brain; palsy refers to the loss or impairment of motor function. -The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Deep Dive into Cerebral Palsy
About Celiac Disease
All people with CP have problems with movement and posture. The symptoms of CP differ in type and severity from one person to the next and may even change over time. Symptoms may vary greatly among individuals, depending on which parts of the brain have been injured. For more information, visit the Cerebral Palsy The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Maryland Treatment Center
At the John's Hopkins Medicine Cerebral Palsy Clinic, children will benefit from the combined insights of neurosurgeons, neurologists, occupational therapists and other specialists, who review their unique needs and develop a personalized treatment plan. For more information, visit John's Hopkins Medicine Cerebral Palsy Clinic.